The Univeristy of Melbourne The Royal Melbourne Hopspital

A joint venture between The University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital


Assessment of Pre-Clinical Liver Models Based on Their Ability to Predict the Liver-Tropism of Adeno-Associated Virus Vectors


Adrian Westhaus, Marti Cabanes-Creus, Kimberley L. Dilworth, Erhua Zhu, David Salas Gómez, Renina G. Navarro, Anais K. Amaya, Suzanne Scott, Magdalena Kwiatek, Alexandra L. McCorkindale, Tara E. Hayman, Silke Frahm, Dany P. Perocheau, Bang Manh Tran, Elizabeth Vincan, Sharon L. Wong, Shafagh A. Waters, Georgina E. Riddiough, Marcos V. Perini, Laurence O.W. Wilson, Julien Baruteau, Sebastian Diecke, Gloria González-Aseguinolaza, Giorgia Santilli, Adrian J. Thrasher, Ian E. Alexander, Leszek Lisowski


Human Gene Therapy, Volume 34, Issue 7-8, 2023-04-01

Article Link: Click here


  • Faculty of Medicine and Health
  • Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust
  • UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health
  • UNSW Medicine
  • Curtin Medical School
  • Melbourne Medical School
  • The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
  • Wojskowy Instytut Higieny i Epidemiologii imienia Generała Karola Kaczkowskiego(WIHiE), Warsaw
  • Universidad de Navarra
  • Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
  • UNSW Sydney
  • University of Melbourne
  • Max Delbruck Center for Molecular Medicine
  • Macquarie University
  • Wojskowy Instytut Medyczny
  • Inventia Life Science Pty Ltd