11 May 2022
HTLV-1, the forgotten cousin of HIV. Taming the zebra
11 May 2022
3.00 - 4.00pm
Auditorium and online
At this special lecture, Professor Charles Bangham from the Department of Infectious Diseases at the Imperial College London will present on HTLV-1, the forgotten cousin of HIV. Taming the zebra.
Webinar Link: https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/86015915079?pwd=TmZsRzBuRHVmbUtWd28wMHA3VlFiUT09
Webinar ID: 860 1591 5079
Password: 463986
Professor Charles Bangham is a Professor Immunology in the Department of Infectious Diseases at the Imperial College in London.
During his medical training he carried out studies on lung function, genetic polymorphisms, endocrine function and demography in high altitude populations in Nepal. In his PhD he established a model of respiratory syncytial (RS) virus infection in the mouse, and studied the T lymphocyte response to RS virus first in the mouse and then in the human.
Since 1987 he has studied the virology and immunology of persistent virus infections, in particular infection with the human T-cell leukaemia virus (HTLV-I). His lab’s aim is to produce a comprehensive, coherent, qualitative and quantitative understanding of the persistence of HTLV-I and the immune response to HTLV-I, and an explanation of why certain individuals infected with HTLV-I develop fatal or disabling diseases while the majority remain asymptomatic. They use a broad range of techniques in molecular and cellular immunology, viral and host genetics, cell biology, DNA expression microarrays, proteomics and mathematics.