The Univeristy of Melbourne The Royal Melbourne Hopspital

A joint venture between The University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital


30 Mar 2023

Integration and analysis of high-dimensional cytometry, single-cell, and spatial data for comprehensive immune profiling

Add to my calendar 06/04/2023 12:00 pm 06/04/2023 1:00 pm Australia/Melbourne Integration and analysis of high-dimensional cytometry, single-cell, and spatial data for comprehensive immune profiling Doherty Institute Auditorium, 792 Elizabeth Street DD/MM/YYYY

06 Apr 2023
12.00 - 1.00pm

Doherty Institute Auditorium, 792 Elizabeth Street

The University of Melbourne's Department of Microbiology and Immunology is hosting a research seminar, chaired by Dr Oanh Nguyen, Senior Research Fellow at the Doherty Institute.

At this event, Dr. Thomas Ashhurst, Senior Cytometry Scientist from the Sydney Cytometry Core Research Facility will present Integration and analysis of high-dimensional cytometry, single-cell, and spatial data for comprehensive immune profiling.

Networking and catering following the presentation.

About Dr Thomas Ashhurst

Dr. Thomas Ashhurst is a Senior Cytometry Scientist with the Sydney Cytometry Core Research Facility, an Honorary Research Fellow in Infection, Immunity, and Inflammation at The University of Sydney.

The rapid development of new high-dimensional cytometry, single-cell, and spatial technologies allow for detailed investigations into the immune response in infectious and inflammatory diseases. The capacity to harmonize data generated across multiple batches, experiments, and technologies would substantially increase the scale and impact of these new approaches. In this seminar we will discuss new methods and strategies for the integration and analysis of cytometry, single-cell, and spatial data for comprehensive mapping of immune dynamics across time, space, and disease. Specific applications will include constructing a developmental map of the circulating immune system over the human lifetime, integrating complex batches across multiple cohorts in COVID-19 infection or vaccination, and spatial analysis of cellular infiltration in a mouse model of viral encephalitis.