The Univeristy of Melbourne The Royal Melbourne Hopspital

A joint venture between The University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital


09 Aug 2018

Indigenous health PhD scholarship announced

Recruitment for the Doherty Institute’s Yiaga Ngarnga Scholarship, the Institute’s first ever Indigenous health PhD scholarship, has begun following the official launch at today’s From Bush to Bench Forum.

Doherty Institute Director, Professor Sharon Lewin made the announcement before introducing a stellar line up of speakers presenting the latest research in Indigenous health.

“When the Doherty Institute opened in 2014, Wurundjeri elder Aunty Joy Murphy Wandin AM challenged Peter Doherty to improve the health of Aboriginal Australians, the Yiaga Ngarnga Scholarship is one step we are taking towards this,” Professor Lewin said.

“This is a fantastic opportunity for an Indigenous Australian postgraduate student to join the Doherty Institute and receive a high quality research experience.”

“We are very proud to have worked with the Wurundjeri Council to name the scholarship Yiaga Ngarnga, which translates ‘to seek meaning and understanding’.

Supported by the Lionel Gell Foundation and the University of Melbourne, the scholarship is open to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island PhD candidates wishing to pursue study related to infection and immunity, and includes mentoring and leadership development support from the Melbourne Poche Centre for Indigenous Development.

“I must also give very warm thanks to Lionel Gell who has donated philanthropic funds to provide living and travel assistance to the successful scholarship recipient,” Professor Lewin said.

CLICK HERE for more information or to apply for the Yiaga Ngarnga Scholarship.