The Univeristy of Melbourne The Royal Melbourne Hopspital

A joint venture between The University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital


04 Aug 2020

Doherty Seminar Series: Sexual health intervention for young people attending Aboriginal Health Services

Dr Simon Graham, NHMRC fellow based at the Doherty Institute, recently presented a special webinar as part of the Doherty Seminar Series.

Watch the webinar

Dr Graham led a community-based trial that successfully increased sexually transmitted infection (STI) and viral hepatitis testing and improved managed of these infections among young Aboriginal people in regional towns in New South Wales. He is a graduate of the Master of Applied Epidemiology, a field epidemiology degree where he evaluated Australia’s National perinatal surveillance system and investigated an outbreak in Western Sydney. Dr Graham previously worked in international development based in Bangkok and Hanoi. He has an interest in field epidemiology that has clear community benefits.