The Univeristy of Melbourne The Royal Melbourne Hopspital

A joint venture between The University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital


12 Oct 2020

New project looking at HIV phylogenetic analysis receives NHMRC funding boost

A new project that aims to develop and implement an ethical framework for HIV phylogenetic analysis in Australia has received an NHMRC Partnerships Grant worth just over $500,000.

Led by Doherty Institute Director Professor Sharon Lewin, and Deputy Director of the Microbiological Diagnostic Unit Public Health Laboratory at the Doherty Institute, Professor Deborah Williamson, the project aims to improve the identification of clusters and inform public health responses to HIV.

“With recent uptake of HIV prevention strategies, in 2017, Australia reported the lowest number of HIV notifications since 2010. However, we are not seeing these declines in Asian-born men who have sex with men, heterosexuals, transgender or Indigenous Australians,” Professor Williamson said.

“New and innovative strategies could have a significant impact on reducing new HIV infection that would not be identifiable by traditional public health responses.”

This real-time molecular epidemiological approach aims to add significant value and accuracy to investigations that may prevent new HIV transmissions.

However HIV phylogenetic analysis presents complex ethical issues and so partnerships with the wider community and jurisdictional health departments before integration into public health responses are crucial.

“This project will have direct benefit to our partner organisations, who are integrally involved with the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and care of HIV,” Dr Mike Catton, Director of the Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory at the Doherty Institute said.

“This work will also provide a blueprint for the responsible implementation of HIV phylogenetic analysis, both in Australia and globally.”

This project is a collaboration between Monash University, Alfred Health, University of Melbourne and the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services.