The Univeristy of Melbourne The Royal Melbourne Hopspital

A joint venture between The University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital


01 Apr 2021

Sammy Bedoui appointed new Director of Research at the School of Biomedical Sciences

University of Melbourne Professor Sammy Bedoui, Co-Immunology Theme Leader and Laboratory Head at the Doherty Institute has been appointed the School of Biomedical Sciences Director of Research.

“I am passionate about basic research and I am looking forward to working with all colleagues in ensuring that the School continues to be a place that fosters, promotes and celebrates world-class research in the biomedical sector," he says.

Prof Bedoui's own research has shed new light into understanding how dendritic cells integrate multiple signals into protective immunity against infections.

His research has defined how particular types of T cells protect the host from Salmonella infections, uncovering that these responses are regulated through the stimulation of protein complexes within dendritic cells, the so-called inflammasomes.

His work on virus infections has identified how different dendritic cell types contribute to the initiation of virus-specific immunity and has delineated how specific viral fragments augment these responses.

Prof Bedoui also teaches Immunology to Biomedicine students and leads the international Melbourne-Bonn Graduate Training Program, with the University of Bonn in Germany.

In 2018, he won the University’s Award for Excellence in Internationalisation of Research for his contribution to the Bonn University program.

After completing his Medical Degree at the Hannover Medical School in Germany, he moved to Melbourne for postdoctoral training at WEHI with a fellowship from the German Research Council in 2005.

In 2009, Prof Bedoui moved to the University of Melbourne with a NHMRC Career Development Award, where he built a cross-disciplinary research program.

Prof Bedoui will transition into the role with the guidance of the previous Chair of the Research Committee, Professor Erica Fletcher.

Head of School, Professor Jenny Wilkinson-Berka says: "Many across the School, Faculty and University will  join me in congratulating Sammy, and recognising the major contribution Prof Fletcher has made to the School over the past five years".Prof Sammy Bedoui appointed new Director of Research