WHO CC for Viral Hepatitis

09 Apr 2018

World Hepatitis Alliance launches ‘find the missing millions’ survey

The WHO Elimination Strategy set targets for reducing the world's burden of viral hepatitis and calls for a major increase in diagnosis of chronic viral B and C infection; 30% by 2020 and 90% by 2030.

Today only 11% of those living with viral hepatitis are aware of their diagnosis, without a massive scale-up in diagnosis, treatment rates will fall and infection rates will rise.

Diagnosis is key to reaching elimination, therefore the strategy calls for a major increase in the diagnosis of chronic viral B and C infection - by 2020 the aim is to have a 30% increase on our current rates and by 2030 a 90% increase. 

With an estimated 300 million people living with viral hepatitis and unaware of their status, the World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA) are spending the next three years focusing on finding these ‘missing millions’.


As part of this, the World Hepatitis Alliance has launched a global survey with the aim of gathering views on the barriers to hepatitis B and C diagnosis in countries across the world.

The survey is aimed at anyone with experience of hepatitis and the World Health Alliance would like to encourage responses from: 

  • Patients
  • Policy makers
  • Medical professionals
  • Public health
  • Civil society or community organisations
  • Laboratory professionals
  • Researchers

The survey will help the World Hepatitis Alliance gain a better understanding of the nature of barriers to diagnosis within countries and therefore is undertaking a global consultation, in the form of an online survey. The information gathered will help to inform future programmes.

Your views and experience are of great value to WHA and so we would like to ask you to complete this online survey, which should take no more than ten minutes to complete.

The survey can be completed in English, French or Spanish

The survey is being distributed by DJS Research. DJS Research is an independent research organisation and has been commissioned by WHA to host the online survey. DJS Research conforms to strict data protection principles which means that your responses will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.

If you would like to learn more about the survey or the WHA Find the Missing Millions programme then please contact Jessica Hicks at the World Health Alliance: projects.team@worldhepatitisalliance.org.