WHO CC for Viral Hepatitis

18 Apr 2018

CDC Public Health Grand Rounds: Working Together to Eliminate the Threat of Hepatitis B and C

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (USA) runs regular Public Health Grand Rounds with the goal of sharing some of the important work that CDC is doing in the United States and around the world to save lives and protect people. Each Grand Rounds session is the result of a rigorous process which takes months to prepare. This week, the CDC presented a new session of the Grand Rounds. 

This session of Public Health Grand Rounds discussed how new therapies and technologies can be used to eliminate hepatitis B and C. Presenters outlined multiple approaches and how working with health partners can help reach the goals of eliminating these diseases. 

Associate Professor Benjamin Cowie, Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Viral Hepatitis was invited to present at this event on the progress towards Hepatitis B and C Elimination in Australia, and what can be learnt from the elimination program in Australia. 

For more information about the CDC Public Health Grand Rounds, visit their website

A live recording of the Public Health Grand Rounds, as well as an interview with A/Prof Cowie called "Beyond the Data" can be viewed here.