WHO CC for Viral Hepatitis

06 Jun 2022

Women leading the fight to protect the next generation from Hepatitis B

The Hep-cast is a podcast series produced by the World Hepatitis Alliance to explore the people behind the fight against hepatitis. Nafisa Yussf was featured in the first episode of Hep-cast second series discussing what needs to be done to reach elimination.

The Hep-cast is a podcast series produced by the World Hepatitis Alliance to explore the people behind the fight against hepatitis. 

In the second series the Hep-cast focuses on hepatitis B, each episode features leading medical professionals, researchers, advocates and people with lived experience of hepatitis as they explore what needs to be done to reach elimination.

In episode 1, Dr Sarah Jarvis interviews three women on the journey to improving care for mothers with hepatitis B and their families:

  • Nafisa Yussf: A mother with hepatitis B and a social researcher at the WHO Collaborating Centre for Viral Hepatitis, The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, Australia.
  • Cynthia Raissa Tamandjou: a medical virologist based in France.
  • Bisi Bright: a clinical pharmacist and CEO of the LiverWell initiative in Nigeria.