The Univeristy of Melbourne The Royal Melbourne Hopspital

A joint venture between The University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital


Research Projects

Project: Developing a 3D liver organoid – T cell co-culture system for studying HIV-HBV co-infection in the liver

Lewin group

In this project, we aim to establish a physiologically relevant model to mimic HIV-HBV co-infection in the liver. We will grow “mini liver” in a dish by co-culturing novel 3D liver organoid with T cells using different approaches. We will then characterise the models by various assays e.g. live cell imaging, real time PCR, ELISA, etc. During this project, the student will learn and apply a range of laboratory techniques including PC2 cell culture and in vitro assays in molecular biology. The student will also learn viral infection and culture in the high containment PC3 laboratory setting.

Contact project supervisor for further
information and application enquiries

Project Supervisor

Professor Sharon Lewin

Project Co-supervisor

Dr Wei Zhao
Dr Bang Tran

Project availability

Lewin group

1 vacancies

Viral Infectious Diseases
Cross Cutting Disciplines
Clinical and health systems research

The main focus of the Lewin group is to understand why HIV infection persists on antiretroviral therapy and to develop new strategies to eliminate latent HIV. We do this through laboratory based virology and immunology studies, analysis of patient samples and interventional studies aimed at disrupting and/or eliminating HIV latency.