Project: Immunomodulatory mechanisms in the brain tumour microenvironment
Mantamadiotis group
This project will explore the cellular and molecular composition of the brain tumour microenvironment, including immune cells & fibrosis. This will contribute to understanding the biological communication between tumour and non-tumour cells and how this contributes to oncogenesis and treatment response. Unique brain cancer cell lines and brain tumour tissue from animal models and patients will be used to investigate the tumour microenvironment using state-of-the-art multiplex immunohistochemistry and computational analysis. This project would suit students interested in learning and applying image and computational analysis.
Contact project supervisor for further
information and application enquiries
Mantamadiotis group
1 vacancies

The Mantamadiotis group’s research aims to understand how the tumor microenvironment, including immune cells, contribute to oncogenesis and treatment response to improve brain cancer therapy.
Mantamadiotis group Current Projects
Immunomodulatory mechanisms in the brain tumour microenvironment
PhD/MPhil, Master of Biomedical Science, Honours