Project: Neural regulation of anti-cancer immunity
Mueller Group
This project will investigate sympathetic innervation of tumours and how neural signals impact immune responses in the tumour microenvironment, in order to design new therapies to treat cancer.
Contact project supervisor for further
information and application enquiries
Mueller Group
5 vacancies
Research in the Mueller group is focused on examining immune responses and nervous system interactions during acute and chronic viral infections and in cancer. We are seeking a fundamental understanding of biology and new treatments for disease. We are using state-of-the-art methods, including advanced microscopy, spectral flow cytometry, single cell sequencing and bioinformatics.
Mueller Group Current Projects
Neural regulation of anti-cancer immunity
PhD/MPhil, Master of Biomedical Science, Honours
How do lymph nodes facilitate cancer metastasis?
PhD/MPhil, Master of Biomedical Science, Honours