The Univeristy of Melbourne The Royal Melbourne Hopspital

A joint venture between The University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital

Associate Professor Lloyd Einsiedel

Associate Professor Lloyd Einsiedel

Associate Professor Lloyd Einsiedel

(03) 8344 6753 | pending

Infectious Disease Physician
Immunology, Viral Infectious Diseases, Antimicrobial Resistance, Bacterial and Parasitic Infections
Discovery Research, Global Health, Indigenous Health, Public Health, Clinical and health systems research
Department of Microbiology and Immunology (DMI) , Department of Infectious Diseases
Lab Group(s):
Purcell Lab

Lloyd is a clinical researcher and specialist physician with extensive clinical and research experience in remote Australia where he runs multi-disciplinary projects designed to provide actionable information to vulnerable communities. His clinical experience in a region with the highest worldwide prevalence of HTLV-1 led to a particular interest in the epidemiology and pathophysiology of HTLV-1 associated diseases, and to a strong connection with the Doherty Institute, which he joined in 2021. Other research themes include the intersection between infection and non-communicable diseases and strategies to reduce emerging antimicrobial resistance in a region with extremely high rates of bacterial infection.

  • Key Achievements
    • Lloyd has served in executive roles in medical education and research in remote central Australia and has developed a broad research agenda that is relevant to Aborginal communities in this region. He has been awarded substantial research funding, and his work on HTLV-1 associated diseases has provided important insights into viral pathogenesis. His expertise in this field was recently recognised by the award of the international retrovirology association biennial international clinical prize. He has been involved in the development of local and international clinical guidelines, and was an invited expert at the World Health Organisation HTLV-1 collaborative meeting.

    Research Groups
    • Purcell Lab

      Professor Damian Purcell’s research group investigates the HIV-1 and HTLV-1 human retroviruses that cause AIDS and leukaemia/inflammatory pathogenesis respectively. The lab studies their genetic structure and gene expression with a focus on defining the mechanisms that control viral persistence and pathogenesis. The molecular interplay of viral and host factors during viral infection and the innate and adaptive immune responses to viral infection are examined. These molecular insights are used to develop new antiviral and curative therapeutics, preventive prophylactic vaccines and passive antibody microbicides and therapeutics. Some of these patented discoveries have been commercialised and we are assisting with clinical trials.

      Lab Team

      Purcell Lab