The Univeristy of Melbourne The Royal Melbourne Hopspital

A joint venture between The University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital

Dr Michael Bramhall

Michael Bramhall completed his PhD ‘Development of Biomarkers to Predict Disease Outcome in Gut Inflammation’ in 2016, with Sheena Cruickshank and Andy Brass at the University of Manchester. He then joined the lab of Colby Zaph at Monash University where his research examined the role of the transcriptional repressor HIC1 in immune cells under homeostatic and inflammatory conditions. In 2019 he was awarded a Careers in Immunology Fellowship from the AAI. 

  • Research Groups
    • Haque Group

      The Haque Group use a combination of experimental models, single-cell genomics, and computational biology, to study host/pathogen interactions and immune responses during infectious disease and cancer treatment. Our goal is to develop new strategies for preventing these diseases in humans. 

      Lab Team

      • Dr. Marcela Moreira
        Postdoctoral Researcher
      • Dr. Hyun Jae (Josh) Lee
        Research Officer
      • Dr. Michael Bramhall
      • Lianne Lansink
        PhD student
      • Cameron Williams
        PhD student